Success @School
Better grades, more fun!
What is the secret of success at school?
Intelligence, good teachers, hard work? Of course, but the key are the parents.
30-50% of the success at school depend on how the parents relate to their child and how they view the school. Parents play a key role concerning the success of their children at school.
Many parents would like to support their children in school but do not know how. The students need good habits, work and learning techniques in order to master their future challenges. They also need support to structure their schedules and to to find a healthy work life balance.
Dr. Heidi und Urs Wolf developed a program for parents that helps them to coach their children with learning techniques and work methods and to strengthen simultaneously their bond with the child. The children will achieve better grades and more success in school by learning more efficiently.
The Wolfs taught this course in dozens of schools in Switzerland and abroad (China, Albania, Lebanon).
Spencer is a licensed to provide this workshop in the United Arab Emrates.
Contact us for more information.